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If you are interested in refereeing at judo events, know that Judo Canada uses the same rules as the International Judo Federation. 

Click here to consult the international judo rules (see pages 92-145). Judo Canada also offers a clarification to the rules on the topic of religious head coverings.

Arbitrage Feminin : trois judokas sur le tatamis en formation

The first refereeing steps are the provincial levels. These levels are managed by the provincial/territorial associations:

Provincial Level B

◊ Provincial Level A

For more information on these levels, contact your provincial/territorial association.

Présentation des arbitres hommes et femmes

After the provincial levels come the national levels. These referee levels are managed by Judo Canada’s Referee Committee. They are :

◊ National Level C

National Level B

National Level A

To be eligible for National Levels, you must be nominated by the Referee Committee from your provincial/territorial association. To learn more about the evaluation criteria, click on the link to the Referee Committee Policy below.  The evaluation forms are appendices to the policy. To register for a national level referee evaluation, you must register via Judo Canada by completing the registration form. Next evaluations are:


Arbitre au travail sur le tatamis en compétition

If you are qualified and interested in refereeing at international events, there are three levels managed by the Pan-american Judo Confederation (PJC) and the International Judo Federation:

Confederal Level (PJC)

Continental Level

International Level

To be eligible to these levels, you must be nominated by Judo Canada’s Referee Committee.

Examination registration:

National A, B & C: Edmonton

  March 10-12, 2023

National B & C: Laval

March 24-26, 2023