Canada Well Represented With Nine Teams at Kata World Championships

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Montreal, October 16, 2018 – After the Grand Prix last week, Cancun is hosting another international judo event with the IJF Kata World Championships. Katas are divided in 2 categories, Category 1 being judokas aged up to 36, and Category 2 being 36 and older, and two sets of World champions are crowned in each kata.

On Monday, in Nage No Kata Category 1, Jérôme Lajoie and Jacob St-Jean (Club de judo de Boucherville) finished in 8th position with 364 points, and Erin Reim and Dmytro Samoilenko (Shidokan, Montreal) were 10th with 348 points. The world title was awarded to the Brazilian duo Wagner Tadashi Uchida and Paulo Roberto Ferreira, who scored 402.5 points.

In Katame No Kata, there was only one duo representing Canada in Category 2, Kelly Palmer and Gordon Okamura (University of Alberta Judo Club, Edmonton). They have achieved the best result of the Canadian team on day 1 with a 5th place and a score of 395 points, finishing 47 points behind the Japanese duo Satoshi Nakayama and Seiji Hayashi.

In Ju No Kata Category 1, Xiao Kang Hu and Shane Rooney (Takahashi Judo Club, Ottawa) also were in the final, reaching the 6th place with a score of 354. In Category 2, Danielle Ferland and Maggie Aiko Lachaine (Club de judo de Terrebonne) ranked in 8th place with a score of 351 points.

On Tuesday, in Kime No Kata Category 1, Martin Vallière and Patrick Roffi (Sui Shin Kan, Laval) ended in 3rd place with a score of 459, 63 points behind their category leader, French duo Gregory Marques and Stéphane Bega. In Category 2, Allyn Takahashi and Davin Marion (Takahashi Judo Club, Ottawa) were in 10th place with 451.5 points.

For the last kata, Goshin Jutsu, Jackson Karaim and Maxwell Karaim (YMCA, Regina) placed 2nd and scored 409.5 points in Category 1. In Category 2, Edward Zupancic and Ronald James Cook (Formokan Judo Club, Oshawa) were 10th with a total of 479.5 points.

Canadian Judges Receive Certification in Cancun

Gérald Poirier, Duncan Vignale, and Mohamed Hassani were present in Cancun and have received the certification in all the IJF katas. June Takahashi, also in Cancun, is now certified in Ju No Kata.



Written by Sarah Mailhot for Judo Canada

Patrick Esparbès
Chief Operating Officer
(514) 668-6279



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