Shady El-Nahas Unbeatable at Pan-American Championships
17 April 2022
Edmonton to Host Elite Canadian Championships and IBSA Pan-American Championships in December 2022
19 May 2022
Shady El-Nahas Unbeatable at Pan-American Championships
17 April 2022
Edmonton to Host Elite Canadian Championships and IBSA Pan-American Championships in December 2022
19 May 2022

Judo Canada is seeking four (4) Directors at large for its board of directors (2022-2026). Note that if approved, the election will be in accordance with the propose revised bylaws.

JUDO CANADA (JC) is the national governing body of Judo in Canada. It has the overall authority to provide leadership in promotion and development as well as govern all aspects of judo in Canada and to select and prepare Canadian Teams for International competition. Judo Canada is a not-for-profit registered Canadian amateur athletic association operating under a board of directors elected by provincial/territorial members.

How is the Board of Directors structured?

The Board of Directors consists of a maximum of nine (9) Directors.


The Directors have the responsibility for setting directions, establishing policy, and overseeing the activities of the organization. More specifically, Directors must:

  • Support the objectives and activities of the organization.
  • Read and understand the financial statements and otherwise assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility.
  • Attend meetings of the Board and actively participate in decision-making.
  • Share their areas of expertise with the Board.
  • Be an advocate and ambassador for the organization.
  • Obtain various means of support for the organization, such as sponsorships, advertisers, members, exhibitors, speakers, etc.
  • Fulfill the duties of care, obedience and loyalty to the organization.
  • Participate in regular assessments to improve Board performance.
  • Participate in strategic planning activities.
  • Prioritize and monitor programs and services.
  • Work to develop new leadership and recommend potential Directors to the Nominations Committee.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Participate in the organization’s conferences and meetings.

Time Commitment

  • JC holds a minimum of four (4) meetings of the Board per year.
  • Serving as a Director requires 8-10 hours in an average month. More time is required during the time period around the Annual General Meeting, for specific committees, and when volunteers are required for significant competitions.

Term of Office

Directors serve a term of four years.


  • To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual must:
  • Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;
  • Be a resident of Canada as defined in the Income Tax Act,
  • Have the power under law to contract,
  • Agree to adhere to the Corporation’s Governing Documents;
  • Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country,
  • Not have the status of bankrupt,
  • Not be an employee or contractor of the Corporation.

Director Independence – An individual may be deemed ineligible to serve as a Director if they are not independent to comply with section 5.3 of these By-laws. An individual who would not be considered Independent will be considered to be Independent once they resign from or terminate the circumstance that gives rise to the non-independence.

How will Board members be selected?

Directors are elected in accordance with the JC’s By-laws.

Who is qualified to be a Director?

For the upcoming election, JC is searching especially for individuals to respect diversity standards:

General Attributes:

  • Knowledge of judo
  • Board experience with governance board
  • Policy Development
  • Team player
  • Business Acumen

Specific Skills:

  • Leadership
  • Funds Development
  • Legal
  • Human Resources Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Political Capital
  • Government Relations
  • Accounting & FInance
  • Strategic Change Management
  • Marketing/Communications
  • Provincial Sport Perspective

The Board will have at least four (4) Directors of the minority gender. Currently the Board as 2 females and will require minimally 2 more but no more than 3.

The Board will have Directors from at least five (5) provinces and/or territories to ensure national diversity. Currently the following provinces are represented: BC, BC, QC, QC, AB. Two additional provinces are required.


  1. All individuals wishing to run for a position as a Director, including all current Directors, will be subject to nomination which requires the submission of a signed Candidate Application Form and supporting materials by the application deadline.
  2. The Nominations Committee will conduct due diligence by reviewing the nominee’s qualifications, the required skills and attributes, potential conflict of interests or other significant matters which would preclude the nominee from successfully fulfilling the duties of a Director.

What information will be required to support each application?

Each nominee must complete and sign a Candidate Application Form and submit it to the Nominations Committee along with a letter of intent and a résumé outlining the nominee’s qualifications, successes, and work and volunteer history. Nominees may further submit:

  • An introduction letter describing what the nominee would like to do to further the objectives of the JC – this material may be as detailed or specific as the nominee desires
  • A headshot photo
  • A biography of the nominee (maximum 300 words)
  • Testimonials/references from other organizations or other individuals

What is the deadline for submitting applications?

Applications may be submitted by email to no later than May 31, 2022; Please use the form below:


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